Delivery to CEDIS
We administer and make your deliveries to CEDIS:
We coordinate all logistics including appointments and receive your shipments in loose boxes; With 72, 48 and up to 24 hours before maturity, in extraordinary cases.
Dry and refrigerated box, scheduling of appointments, documentation and boarding, monitoring of delivery, return of evidence.
-Elimination of charges and penalties for delays (Fill Rate).
-Reduced hidden costs.
Everything you need to place your product in point of sale.
We keep you informed of the process of your shipments since you notify us of your purchase orders, until we return your folios, jointly solving any contingency in the process.
The world of transport and logistics is complex and full of unpredictable restrictions; Navigating successfully requires the ability to face each of these new challenges with innovative ideas, applying creativity, experience and effectiveness. Overcome these challenges in the delivery to self-service stores and departmental.
Our clients
Our Added value
Important savings in your logistics chain.
Personal attention 24 hrs. The 365 days of the year.
Honesty, speed, safety and efficacy.
If you are not fighting with the savings we are your best option